10 best business ideas for 2025 in India
The future of the business industry is based on a multiplicity of possibilities and the potential of individuals. It is based on people’s...

How to Start a Photography Business & earn money?
Photography is something a lot of young people find comfort in doing. The photography business offers an attractive alternative to the other traditional...

3 golden rules of accounting
The 3 golden rules are the internationally accepted rules of accounting. Every economic entity is liable to produce its financial transactions to all...

5 e-commerce trends seen in India during the Covid-19 pandemic
As the pandemic wreaks havoc on the Indian and the global economy. Although, it has affected some sectors worse than other sectors, every...

5 Sectors of Economy worst hit by the second wave of Covid-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many businesses and numerous lives in the past year. Indian economy has, till now seen the first wave...